All About the Red 5 Network

Credit to: Ro, I just stole…borrowed this. Please note that due to personal situations, not all podcasts shown are still affiliated with the Red 5 Network.

With Star Wars month coming to its inevitable close (yes, sad I know), I figured why not give you all one more post based in this fictional universe? While it might seem boring on the surface, if you stick with me, you might just gain a few tips about starting a network of your own for your favorite topic of choice, be it pop culture or general culture.

For reference M=Me and R=Ro

Credit to: Ro’s Twitter

M: As stated, here with me in this post is Ro Gazga, founder of not just the Red 5 Network, but also the Scarif Scuttlebutt Podcast. Thank you Ro for being willing to explain the origins of the Red 5 Network for me.

R: Yeah, not a problem. You’re a great friend and I’m glad to help. What specifically about the origins of the Red 5 Network do you want to know first?

M: Let’s start with the year it began. When was that, if you can recall?

R: Sure. I can actually do you one better and recall not just the year, but the day it all began as well. May 25, 2020, aka Star Wars Day in the year that never happened or the year of the pandemic, whichever you prefer to call it. Back then, there actually were a collection of ten podcast which formed the entire Red 5 Network. Now, however, we’re over 30 podcasts.

M: Oh, that was a year for sure. A year that we’re still feeling the effects of, but that’s a conversation for a different time and place. Moving on to my next question, was the Red 5 Network something you set out to do as a way to bring Star Wars creators together, or was it more something that started itself and you kind of just went with it?

R: Brad and I (my partner in forming the original group of ten Red 5 Network shows), wanted to form a coalition of creators for the sole purpose of helping each other grow. We wanted to be able to share audiences by popping up in each other’s shows by guesting or contributing in some way. We did our very first crossover episode prior to creating the network with Andrew and Merisha of Coruscant Radio Underground. We had a blast and wanted more. At the time we didn’t see many podcasts doing much collaborating. I don’t dare say we started that trend, but soon after we noticed lots of pods were crossing over and doing guest spots. The writing was on the wall.

M: What’s interesting, is prior to this, I do recall there being an unofficially official group of Star Wars podcasts, but that didn’t last long. I forget what it was called, but to the best of my memory it broke up due to something with Lucasfilm itself. Being as I didn’t come into the wider world of Star Wars until at least the mid point of Rebels season 1, I want to say it was broken up because Lucasfilm wanted to do more of their own thing without fan influence. I could be completely wrong of course.

M: Back on topic, can you explain what all went into creating the Red 5 Network? Basically, was it as simple as putting your idea out there and waiting for bites, or did you actually have to pitch it to a bunch of podcasts first, before it really took off?

R: Brad and I had an unspoken process. The initial ten pods (of which most are still Red5) were easy to convince as the goal was growth. It wasn’t simple at all. There was a hard launch date we marketed towards which included YouTube announcements and stuff like that. There was even another group that also started a network alongside us but that network dissolved like the Imperial Senate did, relinquishing control to the regional governors if you will.

M: I like that comparison. Considering the way the network is continuing to grow even today, I would say that it’s one which still fits. From my small view point within the Red 5 Network, it’s seeming like it’s growing ever more with every passing day. Considering your affliction with Lord Vader, it’s something which both concerns me, yet fills me with great pride. I know that in the end, you wouldn’t use your power for great evil.

R: You sure about that?

M: Ro, really?

R: Fine, fine, next question.

M: As you wish…Podfather Ro. You brought up Brad before, can you explain more about him and his role in beginning the Red 5 Network?

R: I’m sorry, Podfather?

M: Yup, it’s you’re name since you began the network and you’re never going to escape it! Now, please answer the question.

R: Fine. Brad, my original co host and co creator of Scarif Podcast was crucial in teaming up with me on this venture. With so many pods at start up it was like wrangling baby raccoons at feeding time.

M: Sounds fun!

R: Considering I also had to balance my normal job and the demands of daily life on top this…it was in a way. In spite of the all the chaos at the beginning, I wouldn’t trade it, considering how it has grown.

M: Yeah, it’s amazing. Speaking of growth, with the name of the network being what it is, can non-Star Wars content creators, such as those focusing on Star Trek, DC, Marvel, Disney, DND, etc…also become part of the Red 5 Network?

R: Absolutely yes. We realize it has it’s roots in Star Wars but we like to think of it as a Deep Space Nine if you will, a wretched hive of scum and villainy at the edge of the galaxy that welcomes nerds of all denominations.

M: Oh, you’re very funny. Please don’t quit your day job. Anyway, is there a process to joining the Red 5 Network, or is it as simple as having a pop culture podcast/YouTube show, and reaching out, or being recommended by one of our members?

R: I’m glad you asked that. There was a process. As we’ve grown from ten to over thirty, it has been a combo of things. Brad had a sort of stringent vetting process, a process that has changed and has been adjusted as the network has grown. I would say there WAS a process because at this time we are not actively looking to add shows to the roster.

M: Ok, good to know. Thanks for that answer. Now, time for the fun questions! What is your favorite memory from creating the Red 5 Network so far?

R: I always relish in collaboration. It’s the life blood of any network but the bond and strength we’ve all made through sharing our shows this way is special to me. Our launch many years ago was something that was fun because there was a sense of freshness, of newness that felt like something we’ve never done before. It was exciting and it still is.

M: I’m glad to hear that. How about the funniest memory from the Red 5 Network so far?

R: The funniest memory of the early days was being out together to launch our videos. We each had to record individual segments and since my background is in broadcast there were certain clips submitted to me where I wanted to pull my hair out. Besides technical snafus I had lots of laughs putting that material together similar to the Parsec Awards show we had. Lots of funny moments because of the characters in the network.

M: Oh without a doubt. Put Cam, Charles, Pat and his ladder in a room and if you’re not laughing, you either have no sense of humor, or you’re going through a difficult time in your life. Speaking of things which are difficult, what would you say is both the easiest and hardest thing about running the Red 5 Network?

R: The hardest thing is managing personalities. We’re all different and it was easier with ten. It’s a lot harder with 37. Every family has its alcoholic uncle that shows up for Thanksgiving dinner. We have a few of those. Hahahahah

R: The easiest thing has to be encouraging them all to do their best and seeing everyone thrive.

M: Yeah, as much grief as some people can give us, it is always fun to watch them thrive and either hearing behind the scenes, or watching with everyone else, what their next idea will be.

M: With this now coming to its inevitable conclusion, I just have one final question. Where can people go to find more information on the Red 5 Network, such as a list of all participating shows?

R: You can find the Red5Family at and me personally on Twitter at @RoGazga, for the podcast @scarifpodcast or for the Red 5 Network @Red5Network.

M: Thank you so much for your time Ro. This was fun.

R: Not a problem. Glad to be of help and can’t wait to read this once it goes live.

For More information on Ro and what he does outside of the Red 5 Network, please follow these links

Rogelio ‘Ro’ Gazga
SPI-tv Media Group, Chicago

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